الرئيسيه أخبار
عن الكلية الأقسام
هيئة التدريس الطلاب
الدرسات العليا وحدة ضمان الجودة
الوسائط خدمات الكترونية
التحصيل الإلكترونى منصةالمقررات الدراسية

مقررات وبلوكات برامج البكالوريوس لكلية طب المنيا

١- مقررات برنامج (٦+١)

a. First year

i. Anatomy and embryology
ii. Histology and cell biology
iii. Human physiology
iv. Medical biochemistry
v. English language
vi. Computer science

b. Second year

i. Anatomy and embryology
ii. Histology and cell biology
iii. Human physiology
iv. Medical biochemistry
v. Behavioral science and ethics

c. Third year

i. Pathology
ii. Medical pharmacology
iii. Medical microbiology and immunology
iv. Medical Parasitology
v. Psychology

d. Fourth year

i. Community medicine
ii. Forensic medicine and Toxicology
iii. Ophthalmology
iv. ENT

e. Fifth year

i.Internal medicine and it’s specialties.
ii. Pediatrics

f. Sixth year

i. Surgery and it’s specialties.
ii. Obstetrics and gynecology

٢- بلوكات برنامج الطب التكاملي (٥+٢)

a. First year

• PSM –101 (Principles of studying medicine)
• PMS –102 (Principles of microscopic and macroscopic structures)
• CBF – 103 (Cell biology and function)
• PPS – 132 (Patient, Physician & Society)
• INI – 105 (Infection and immunity)
• MPT – 104 (Mechanisms and principles of diseases & therapy)
• IPC – 133 (Introduction to Patient Care 1)

b. Second year

• SMU – 208 (Skin & Musculoskeletal system)
• CAS – 206 (Cardiovascular system)
• GIT – 207 (GIT, Gastrointestinal system)
• IPC – 234 (Introduction to Patient Care 2)
• ELE1 (Elective 1)
RRS – 209 (Respiratory and renal systems)
• HEM – 210 (Hematology: Blood & Lymph system)
• HIC – 211 (Health & illness in the community)
• IPC – 235 (Introduction to Patient Care 3)
• ELE2 (Elective 2)

c. Third year

• NEU-312 (Neurosciences)
• ERD – 313 (Endocrinology, Reproduction & Developmental Biology)
• EBM –336 (Evidence Based Medicine – Fundamentals)
• IDP – 337 (Investigation and Discovery/Scholarly Project - Epidemiology and data management)
• ELE3 (Elective 3)
• MED – 314 (Medicine 1)
Introduction to general medicine, hematology, endocrinology, nephrology.)
• SUR – 315 (Surgery I)
-Wound Healing, bleeding, shock, blood transfusion, haemostasis, surgical infections, postoperative complications, abdominal trauma emergencies, surgical anuria, surgical nutrition (enteral and parenteral), Surgery of head and neck, lymphatic system (3 weeks).
-Thyroid and Para thyroid, supra renal gland,abdominal walls and hernias, Breast (4weeks).
-Oncology-principles (one week).)
• FMT – 316 (Forensic medicine and toxicology)
• IDP–338 (Investigation and Discovery/Scholarly Project-Epidemiology and data management)
• ELE4 (Elective 4)

d. Fourth year

• MTR – 417 (Medicine I)
-Liver–biliary system (2 weeks).
-Nutrition, GIT, (2 weeks). -Rheumatology and clinical immunology (2 weeks)
-Tropical medicine (2 weeks).)
• OBG – 418 (Gynecology & obstetrics)
• FAM – 422 (Family medicine (at end of year))
• PED – 419 (Pediatrics)
• PYS – 420 (Psychiatry)
• SUR – 421 (Surgery II)
Anesthesia, pain management, intensive care, fluids and electrolytes and body response to trauma.)
• ELE5 (Elective 5)

e. Fifth year

• OPH – 523 (Ophthalmology)
• SSS – 526 (Surgery 4)
Cardiothoracic surgery, plastic surgery, Neurosurgery, Vascular surgery (one week each).
• ORT-527 (Surgery 4) Orthopedics& trauma
• URO–528 (Surgery 4) Urology
• SUR – 529 (Surgery 3)
3a: GIT, Liver–biliary system, pancreas, abdomen and peritoneum
3b: acute emergencies)
• MND – 530 (Medicine 4) Neurology & Dermatology
• MCC – 531 (Medicine 4) Cardiology & Chest
• ENT – 524 (Ear, Nose & Throat)
• MCI – 525 (Medicine 3)
- Clinical investigations (laboratory and infection control: 2 weeks and radiology: 2 weeks).
• FAM – 539 (Family medicine (2 hours/week for36 weeks)
• ELE6 (Elective 6 )